Donate Life MN

Minnesota residents can use this form to register as an organ, eye and tissue donor. Information entered will be used only for verifying your donation decision. If you support donation, please register. Almost anyone can be a donor, regardless of age or pre-existing medical condition. Call 1-888-5-DONATE with questions.

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Terms & Conditions

By submitting this registration I affirm that I am the registrant described on this application and that the information entered is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. This registration will serve as my donor document of gift as outlined in the Minnesota Uniform Anatomical Gift Act. A document of gift, not revoked by the donor before death, is legal authorization for donation and does not require the consent of another person. If I am under 18 years of age, I understand that my parents or legal guardian will be asked to affirm my decision at the time of donation.

Common Questions

  • What if my state is not listed? This form is for Minnesota residents. Please visit if you reside in a different state.

  • Call 1-888-5-DONATE with additional questions.

Register to be a donor


Please Verify

This registration is a binding, legal document of gift. You affirm the information provided is accurate. You agree upon death to donate all eligible organs and tissues for transplant.